Older workers , as we finish out the year, let's reflect on the world wide recognition that you continue to receive:
More Benefits
Some enlightened employers are realizing the value older workers - those about to retire and those already retired - bring to their workplaces and are offering them a variety of benefits they need and value.

More Workers
Older workers are on the increase. There are more of you and you're working more hours. Today, 62% of older workers are working full time, compared with 47% in 1987.
More Applications
Older workers' applications for entry-level positions are increasing in Canada. And 54% of companies indicate a preference for hiring older workers over younger ones for entry-level jobs.
More Skills
Older workers are gaining recognition in Ontario. The government is offering them free training so they can get meaningful work.
Older Workers Are Never Too Old
Here are some inspiring older workers who never quit working.
Optimism for 2024
Older workers, as your numbers increase we expect to see more employers introducing Age Friendly workplaces, that recognize the value and prioritize the contributions of all employees, regardless of age.
On Your Own Time in 2024
Thank you for your support in 2023. We look forward to a continuing partnership with you as we all work towards On Your Own Time's vision: A world that sets no barriers for the sharing of experience and wisdom.
To help us meet that vision we are currently developing an Age Friendly Program for Employers. This program will provide employers with training, policies and guidance to inspire and support them in creating or updating a diversity culture that encourages, welcomes and includes older workers.
We Want to Hear from You
During 2024 we will keep you apprised of the progress we are making but please, let On Your Own Time know what you expect from an Age Friendly employer, to motivate you to apply to or stay with that employer.
Older workers, all the best in finding opportunities to use your skills in the new year.
